New York Cheesecake Recipe & Christmas Cabaret 2011

 10 double batches of cheesecake to make 200 small round cheesecakes (Using 20 moulds).


200 chocolate trees.


 600 decorated chocolates (holly sugar sequins attached to chocolate mints with royal icing).


 200 chocolate-covered marshmallows.

 6 large piping bags of whipped cream.

 3 batches of strawberry coulis {Click here to find the recipe}.

 200 white chocolate discs.

 200 frosting edible image school logos adhered to chocolate discs.

 2 kgs royal icing, 8 batches of gingerbread and 8 ounces of sanding sugar to make 200 gingerbread snowflake cookies.

And lots of hours put in by my enthusiastic students!

All for our annual Christmas Cabaret evening.

Every year our secondary school hosts an evening event called the Christmas Cabaret, where dance, drama and music classes, as well as auditioned acts, perform in front of an audience of parents, teachers, students etc.

My classes prepare food for the event.

 This year we hosted a Christmas dessert-themed Cabaret. Gingerbread snowflake cookie favours were placed at each table setting, and the main dessert was New York style cheesecake topped with strawberry coulis, whipped cream and a chocolate edible ink image disc. On the plate; green chocolate swirled trees, mint chocolate presents, strawberry coulis sauce and edible gold flakes.

If you’d like to see more of what went on that night, here’s a little video. Thanks to Kim for taking the photos and to our student videographer for the video footage!

Click here if you can’t see the video.

 The dessert was plated as follows:

1. Chocolate-coated marshmallows adhered to plate with melted chocolate.

2. Trees adhered to plate and with chocolate and marshmallow support.

 3. Chocolate presents added with royal icing

 4. Dollop of whipped cream to keep cheesecake in place.

5. Cheesecakes added to plate.

 6. Strawberry coulis on cheesecake and dots on plate.

 7. Whipped cream added to to cheesecake.

8. Chocolate logo disc placed on whipped cream.

9. Edible gold flakes sprinkled on dessert and plate.

10. Icing sugar dusted over tree and dessert.

 Time to serve!

 If you’d like to try this rich and delicious cheesecake, here is the recipe, slightly adapted from one of my cookbook heroes, Ina Garten, a.k.a. The Barefoot Contessa:

New York Style Cheesecake Recipe

{Click here for the printable recipe}.

An event like this is takes a village of people to put together and there are so many people in my community that I’d like to thank.

Thank you to Ms. Blondin for doing a fantastic job of working with the servers to train and lead them night-of, Ms. Schuh for her unwavering support and photography talent, Ms. Smith and her team for setting up the tables and decorating, Ms. Flynn and Ms. Correa for assisting and supervising the coffee area, Ms. Rogers for picking up and dropping off the rental dishes, to the Cafeteria staff; Ms. Beamish, Ms. Cruz, Ms. Kirbyson and Ms. Hunte for their support during Cabaret preparation time and to all other staff who helped out in any way, shape or form leading up to and after the event. Thank you to everyone! It couldn’t be done without your support and patience!

In the on-line world, I also had a team of people helping when timing got tight and we needed an extra helping hand. Huge thanks to Niner of We Choose Organic for editing our school logo to suit the Christmas theme, Mia at Ticings for the edible ink image logos for our dessert when our edible ink printer clogged up and we didn’t’ have time to order cleaning cartridges and fix, and to Katreece of The Chocolate Addict for answering all my chocolate questions in record speed!


Last, but certainly not least, thank you to not only the students who volunteered that night, but to all the students who helped prepare in the time leading up to Cabaret! You made this event happen and you did an amazing job!


Mrs. P

p.s. If your’e reading this post and have any comments or questions for myself or the students, please feel free to leave a comment here, on Facebook, twitter or instagram. We’d love to hear from you!


Categories: New York Cheesecake, Student Bakers, Student Event | Tags: , | 1 Comment

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One thought on “New York Cheesecake Recipe & Christmas Cabaret 2011

  1. I bet Arizona’s student chefs can raise to this level of excellence!

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